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Top 6 Retail Store Closures Coming in 2025 You Need to Know

Because of its key location andits heavy traffic volume, it has a great potential to initiate an immediatechange in the character of Marlboro Pike. This priority area is expected tobe developed in the first or near term implementation phase. Building on thecounty library, located on Old Silver Hill Road, the vision for this triangleis to be transformed over time into the cultural center of the corridor. Theplan calls for a modest development program that strategically places newcommercial structures along Marlboro Pike and Silver Hill Road to enhancethe area and to support a more pedestrian friendly environment.

What This Means for Retail

Discover why an independent retailer might be the perfect fit for your brand and learn how to find like-minded, customer-centric connections to expand your wholesale fashion business. Learn how a B2B fashion marketplace like JOOR helps your wholesale fashion brand overcome scaling challenges. Maximize resources, build retailer relationships, and enhance distribution to drive growth in the global wholesale fashion market. Brands and retailers continue to race towards complete digitization of their analogue processes but to do this effectively integrations must be a key consideration. In 2025, ensuring data flows seamlessly between systems without manual entry should be on the top of every retail business’ to do list.

Sign permit applications shall submit both sign details and a graphicrepresentation of the location of the proposed sign on the building.6. Supporting documentation where requested in the development districtstandards (e.g., streetscape or parking provisions). Another major intersection that brings visitors to Marlboro Pike from boththe north and the south is Silver Hill Road.

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DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILEThe population of the Marlboro Pike area grew little between 1990 and 2000,while the county’s population increased substantially (see Table VII-2). Thiscan be attributed to the relative age of the communities, because the majorityof the neighborhoods throughout the area were built prior to 1990 and littledevelopment has occurred since that time. Population in the Marlboro Pikearea is projected to remain stable, or rise slightly, with an increased focus onresidential development or infill development along the corridor.The relative age distribution for the Marlboro Pike area was identified forconsideration when developing recommendations for land use changesalong the Marlboro Pike Corridor.

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We are continuing this effort countywide throughan Envision Prince George’s initiative to engage a broad cross sectionof stakeholders in developing a shared vision for the county’s futuredirection and growth. We invite you to visit the Envision Prince George’swebsite at /Envision to learn more about how toparticipate in this exciting initiative.I applaud the community for its contributions to the 2009 ApprovedMarlboro Pike Sector Plan and Adopted SMA. All proposed development in the Marlboro Pike urban residential andcommercial mixed-use character areas is subject to a detailed site planreview process. The detailed site plan process requires a Planning Boardpublic hearing and offers more flexibility in meeting the standards to bringdevelopments into conformance with applicable goals, objectives, andrecommendations within the plan. Tax revenue derived from expanded assessable base generated by newdevelopment or redevelopment in the geographic area is used to pay thedebt service on revenue bonds issued by the local government to financeneeded infrastructure in the area. Prince George’s County could create atax increment financing district to help finance infrastructure improvementsrecommended by the Marlboro Pike sector plan along the corridor.

CPTED strategies utilize physicaldesign methods to make criminal behavior seem too risky by improvingvisibility, impeding escape routes, and evoking a sense of territory andownership. If incorporated in a design in the forefront of the planningprocess, these strategies can be made compatible and seamless with theoverall site development pattern.Cultural activities such as recreation sites, educational facilities, andentertainment venues will further enhance these centers. The Marlboro PikeCorridor includes a variety of public and private services for area residents,including recreational centers, parks, open space, and sport activities. Theseareas are highlighted and targeted for enhancements, and additional areasare proposed.

In 2025, that’s likely to change as AI transitions from theory to tangible applications in digital supply chain operations, driven by its ability to process vast amounts of data and enable real-time, data-driven decisions. Answering the questions above will tell you how prepared you are for any unprecedented political or market changes and their effects on your supply chain in 2025. Additionally, cross-border challenges like stricter customs processes and targeted sanctions could further complicate global trade. Companies relying heavily on international suppliers may need to restrategize by focusing on supplier redundancy and diversification.

Ensure that the Marlboro Pike sector plan area isadequately equipped with the appropriate infrastructure. Ensure that public schools are well-maintained in order to adequatelyservice surrounding communities and future development. Noise intrusion in the Marlboro Pike Corridor can be attributed to air trafficfrom the nearby Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington. Directing noise sensitiveland uses away from areas known to have higher noise levels increasesthe overall livability of the corridor.

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  • Natural surveillance is when a community has “eyeson the street” making it difficult for criminals to engage in illicit behaviors.Natural surveillance can be accomplished with better visibility, betterlighting for nighttime visibility, and most importantly, by generating plentyof outdoor activity so that there are always lots of people around.
  • A number of recreationalprograms, classes and after-school activities are offered at the center.Figure VI-2 highlights the Oakcrest and the John Eager HowardCommunity Centers.
  • It’simportant that this intersection have an enhanced main street feel, withbuildings fronting the sidewalk—without setbacks—and ground floorretail.
  • DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILEThe population of the Marlboro Pike area grew little between 1990 and 2000,while the county’s population increased substantially (see Table VII-2).
  • Volatility in fuel prices can disrupt supply chain budgets, pushing freight rates to unsustainable levels for businesses and consumers alike.
  • It includes two anchor stores and over 80 specialty shops.Penn Mar is a thriving shopping center with 418,000 square footage ofretail space.
  • TransportationMiscellaneous Transportation features not elsewhere classified (ex. public and private roads, parking lots).

Over time, resources have degraded, as isevident from the numerous channelized and piped streams and from loss offorest. It is important to find a balance between the built and natural environ­ments, which is what the strategies put forth in this section seek to achieve. APPROVED MARLBORO PIKE SECTOR PLAN AND SMAshould be encouraged 2025 wholesale summer shutdown periods to use Pennsylvania Avenue. Trips along MarlboroPike should be locally generated, and contribute to making Marlboro Pikea community-oriented main street.

Gold rush and naming of the city

At the same time, savvy boutique owners should be thinking several steps ahead to the holiday season. Now is the time to source festive attire, holiday decorations, and giftable items. Think glittery party dresses, cozy holiday pajamas, and stocking stuffers that fit a variety of budgets. Shopping early ensures better pricing and availability, while giving you plenty of time to create engaging marketing campaigns around your holiday collections.

  • APPROVED MARLBORO PIKE SECTOR PLAN AND SMAGreat Eastern Plaza, which is a 24‑acre shopping center containing a grocerystore, smaller business located on either side, and several vacant properties.The grocery store will be relocating outside of the sector area at PennslyvaniaAvenue and Silver Hill Road.
  • Businesses should keep a close eye on potential updates to labor laws, tax policies and environmental guidelines, as these could also have downstream effects on supply chain costs and operations.
  • Enhancing streetscape conditions to encourage pedestrian activity will helpMarlboro Pike evolve into a thriving, community-oriented main street.
  • Additionally, with limited holiday options available at the time, factory fortnight provided a much-anticipated break for employees who often lacked paid leave entitlements.
  • Specific economic development strategies for achieving the planvision and economic development goals have been developed for eachof the seven priority areas.

Economic development for the Marlboro Pike sector plan area focuseson preserving and strengthening the existing residential communities andrefocusing commercial development into activity nodes along the corridor.Community-oriented development, consisting of mostly residential landuses and a few neighborhood-oriented businesses, will be encouraged. Specific economic development strategies for achieving the planvision and economic development goals have been developed for eachof the seven priority areas. Corridorwide strategies are also outlined thatsupport redevelopment of the priority areas and recognize the corridor asa unified economic entity. Recommendations for revisions to developmentregulations, processes, and zoning that reinforce the priority area andcorridorwide strategies are provided at the end of this chapter.The character of the existing commercial development along Marlboro Pikevaries considerably. Some shopping centers are performing well and arewell-maintained; others are poorly maintained and almost vacant. Many freestanding, highway oriented commercial uses are unattractive and detractfrom the stable residential communities off Marlboro Pike.

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